
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I subscribe to the site?

You can reach the membership page by clicking the "New Ad" button in the upper right section of all our pages.

Forgot password?

Click on the "Forgot Password" link on the user login page. You can request password by entering your e-mail address on the opened page. Your password will reach your e-mail address as soon as possible.

Is individual membership paid?

Membership is free for our individual users. Individual members can post an unlimited number of ads.

Is corporate membership paid?

Membership is free for corporate users. Our corporate members can publish an unlimited number of ads.

Is there a fee to post ads?

It is completely free for all individual or corporate customers to publish ads.

How many ads can I post?

There is no advertisement restriction. You can publish as many ads as you want.

What should I do to post ads as featured?

You may be charged a fee to publish your ad in the showcase areas on the main page.

How can I see my saved ads?

After logging into the site, you can access all your ads via the user panel on the right.

How do I change my membership password?

After logging in to the site, you can change your password by clicking the "Change Password" link on the right hand panel of the user.

How do I change my email address?

After logging into the site, you can change your email address by clicking the "My Profile" link on the right panel of the user.

How do I change my membership information?

After logging into the site, you can change your information by clicking the "My Profile" link on the right hand panel of the user.

How to create a new ad?

After logging in to the site, click the "New Ad" button in the upper right section to enter the ad insertion page. On the page that opens, fill in all the information of your ad completely and click the save button. Your ad will be active after pre-approval.

How many days will my ad stay online?

The advertisements placed on the site will be published for 30 days. If you wish, you can extend the period of time by posting your ad again.

How can I extend the duration of the expired ad?

The advertisements placed on the site will be published for 30 days. If you wish, you can extend the period of time by re-publishing your ad through "Passive Ads" page.

How many photos can I add to the ad?

You can add up to 12 photos to the advertisements.

How do I unpublish my ad?

After logging in, you can remove your ads from the "Active Ads" page in the user panel section.